Monday, September 24, 2007


I am sure that life is a recurrence relation, but I am not sure what a recurrence relation is.


Anonymous said...

So you make an affirmation followed by a doubt regarding the essence of the affirmation? May you explain to me the sense of your question, please?

Saludos italianos!!

Anonymous said...

So you make an affirmation followed by a doubt regarding the essence of the affirmation? May you explain to me the sense of your question, please?

Saludos italianos!!

Anonymous said...

ouppss! I sent the same comment twice!

May you cancel one of them?


Anonymous said...

hello...I hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Ma dove ti sei cacciate?

Hey man! Are you ok?

Salaam from Italy

Omar the Royal Blue said...

Semplicita1: Recurrence is a great concept. It's also tricky, and you gotta be careful not to lose your mind for recursion. In fact, it takes our computers down every now and then.

Gardenia: Thank you for passing by.

Everybody, this blog is alive, but you can never expect when a new post will get published. I recommend to you my readers and friends to use a feed reader program.

Anonymous said...

hello again :)